Thursday, April 3, 2014

Week 9: Adventures in Label Land

ENET today was all about selecting the right words. Kaleen is our trusty guide, leading us through our adventure in label land. Groups of teens reviewed  PowerPoint slides with tips for creating labels. The main rule is that all labels must be less than 50 words. Short and sweet!
Kaleen leading the label workshop.
After reviewing the PowerPoint, we took a stab at revising our text for the exhibit. How do we turn all our facts into short, interesting stories? Label making truly takes a lot of skill. Each group worked on one piece of the text and suggested improvements. 

Teams working on revising our text.
At the end of the day, the GeoSquad took a look at the old exhibit panel and added their suggested changes. We all grabbed pencils and marked it up. What should we keep? What should we cut? What worked? What didn't work? All these comments will help Kaleen improve the text for this semester's exhibit. 

Revising the text on the exhibit panel from last semester.

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