Saturday, January 31, 2015

Week 9: Thursday January 29th - Personality Test and Museum Exploration

On Thursday, the teens and interns started the day by taking a personality test. This personality test would place them into one of four different animals based an how they rated certain qualities. As it turns out the teens are mostly type A personalities. The animals associated with these were Buffalo and Eagle. In contrast the interns tended to be type B Personalities characterized by Beavers and Mice.
Two of our teens posing for a picture.
After the personality test the teens were broken up into there groups. These groups are 3-4 teens per intern and will be utilized through out the program for different projects and tours. These groups were paired up and sent into the museum to look at the importance of soil. This gave the teens more cultural and historic back ground on lead and soil.

The names the teens chose for their groups.

This was also the first time the teens were exclusively lead by the interns. One group went into the Mineral Hall and the other group went into the Cultural Exhibits.
Here at E-Net we try to be inclusive and welcoming to all of our interested partners. This includes Steve the Skeleton, Karl the Snake and Bella the Polar Bear.

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