Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 5: Personal Energy Audit

Week 5: Personal Energy Audit

To evaluate the amount of energy the members of EnergyNet use in a single day, we spent Thursday, February 28th, 2013, on personal energy audits. We used function equations in an excel spreadsheet in order to convert the amount of energy per individual task (i.e. transportation, showering, cooking, etc.) to watts to calculate an ultimate raw number at the end of the session. We found that refrigerators use a ton of energy!! Most of the energy used in a day for one of us came from the refrigerator. Transportation was another chart topper. This audit made us take into account some of the frivolous ways we may be wasting energy. 

After personal energy audits, we calculated a family scenario in which case we determined how much a large family would use. Some of our equations needed to be refined in order to get a more accurate account but overall we learned that multiple laptops, phones, and computers in a home use a lot of energy.

Next week we plan to focus on exhibit design to better understand what goes into making an exhibit interactive and fun.

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